Here are some frequently asked questions (with answers):

What is ans?

ans is a special variable which always holds the last calculation result. You can use it to avoid typing the result again.

For example, for finding sin(pi/3), you can do these steps:

How do I separate function parameters?

When using functions that take more than one parameter, use semicolon ( ; ) between all of them.

For example, for finding the arithmetic mean of 2, 5 and 7 just follow this:

I do not like the keypad. How do I hide it?

Use menu View, Keypad.

If the keypad is hidden, you have to press Ctrl+Alt+M to make it visible again.

I found a bug! How can I report it?

The best way is to report the bug as a new issue in our bug tracker. Please check first that this bug has not been reported before.

Do not forget to include the information about the program version (click menu Help, About) and your operating system.


Help us!

If you find a bug, please report it in our bug tracker. This will make sure that the report is not lost.

We will work to make sure the bugs that you reported will be fixed in the next version.